1. Are you a self-identified Indigenous person? Yes No 2. Please explain in a 100 words or less, your Indigenous American heritage. 3. Please explain in a 100 words or less, which Meso-American cultures inspire your work? 4. What kind of artist are you? Street Art Painting (conventional) Textiles Drawing Digital Art & Graphic Design Other 5. Do you produce videos of your own work Yes No 6. Has someone else produced videos of your work? Yes No 7. Are you capable of producing videos of your work? (smart phone produced videos are fine) Yes No 8. Do you have existing social media channels dedicated to the promotion of your art works? Yes No 9. Provide links to your social media channels 10. Provide a short thesis on the focus and intent of your work. What is your driving vision? What are you trying to represent, etc. 11. Where are you currently located? Country City Country or City Name: 12. Have you been interviewed on a podcast or vlog before? Yes No 13. Are you prepared to accept a % of net profits from the sale of items on or in which your work may be chosen to feature (including apparel, accessories, in print, video, etc.)? Yes No First Name Last Name Best email to reach you Best phone number to reach you (please country code included) Submit